Jewelry with crystals has the power to transcend aesthetics and elevate the intentions and vibrations of the person who wears it
My name is Alexandra and I am the founder of this magical brand QUILLAY jewelry & Rituals. I was born and raised in Lima-Peru. Since I was a child I fell in love with the world of crystals long before I knew the secrets behind them and the magic they hold. And this is the story of my journey:
My first quartz was given to me by my mother many years ago when she bought me a piece of moonstone in a local market, it was so beautiful, it sparkled with different shades and reflects of blue and white. I had never been so excited about something as simple as a stone. From that day on I kept my crystal with me, and for years I dreamed of making a beautiful jewel with it.
As days went by, I became distracted by various activities and work, causing me to forget about a certain idea that I once had. I even convinced myself that it was impossible to accomplish because I thought it was too "complicated". However, the universe offers endless possibilities if one has an open heart. There was a point in my life where I felt lost and unsure about what could bring me true happiness and fulfillment. That is when I decided to pursue that old dream that I once had in mind.
The natural beauty and uniqueness of raw quartz have always fascinated me. I have seen many handmade jewelry pieces with raw quartz in the past, but I never found one that I truly liked because they were too rustic for my taste. I wanted something with a finer finish that I could wear as an elegant piece of jewelry rather than a souvenir from a trip that I would end up forgetting in a drawer. I wanted to combine the idea of a meaningful charm with the beauty and delicacy of a fine jewel.
Despite lacking any knowledge in jewelry making, my passion for art led me to find talented artisans who could help me bring my creations to life. With great teamwork and support in Peru, we have achieved our dreams and continue to grow together.
That's how In 2014, my first jewelry brand was born in Peru. It remained a significant part of my life for many years, and I'm deeply grateful for all that it taught me. However, as everything in the universe is in a constant state of motion, I too had to embark on a new journey. Life brought me to Europe, to set on a new path and to think of a future far away from home but close to my love.
So I brought my company to Switzerland, starting again from scratch but this time in a foreign land. As I was starting a new chapter of my life, I decided that it would be a new brand, based in the same concept but more beautiful and with a deeper meaning—NEW BEGINNINGS.
In the face of a new challenge, I needed someone I could trust unconditionally and at the same time aligned with my values to help manage my company from afar. I was so lucky my sister joined the project, and lately my mother, now we are together growing and supporting each other towards a common purpose. Without them, none of this would have been possible. It's amazing what can be achieved with the help of those we trust and love.
With confidence in the future and trusting the Universe I started this adventure. Now we proudly exist as Quillay in Switzerland and in Peru.
This is how QUILLAY was born, created with love in order to give a piece of magic from earth to each person who acquires it. Handmade pieces worked one by one with positive intentions, dreams, and happiness.
Now our biggest dream and mission in life is to spread a little of this magical energy and vibration to others. Guided by the universe, we have the purpose to expand the knowledge of the crystal realm through the beauty of jewelry.

what does it mean?
In the Inka mythology, the Goddess “Quilla” known as the mother Moon and the protective entity of the female realm had a powerful and protective father, the god "Viracocha" who was considered in the Inca mythology as the creator of the universe and the highest divinity.
He lovingly called his daughter "QUILLAY" which means my little moon.
The legend says that one day during a lunar eclipse, Mama-Quilla was attacked by a cougar, and while crying she dropped tears to the ground that later turned into silver.

We take immense pride in our connection with this magical land, sharing a vision of its ancient wisdom, rooted in a deep respect for nature.
Inspired by the ancient culture of Peru & the secrets of the earth. We exist to create meaningful pieces—Handmade treasures with positive energy, dreams, and happiness. Our biggest wish is that you can connect with the magic they hold and your whole being resonates with our art, culture, and history.

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Each of our pieces are handcrafted in the heart of Peru, where artisans work under fair trade conditions and ethically sourced materials.